Saturday, April 7, 2012


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Toussaint Louverture Foundation
Musée d'Art Haitien Support Committee of New York
HomeThe FoundationThe CommitteeEventsPhotosContact Us
The Toussaint Louverture Foundation was created in 1972
To promote mutual assistance between members of the Haitian community and Caribbean and Afro-American communities; To assist our young who, in pursuit of their education and career objectives, face serious conflicts with their parents, or with members of other communities;
To assist the Haitian middle class and professionals in providing guidance to our community; To assist parents in helping their chilldren pursue their educational objectives;
To encourage socio-cultural research on different aspects of Haitian, Caribbean and Afro-American problems; to gather research data, and to insure publication of scholarly research papers and analyses. .
Board of Directors
Camille Gauthier, Honorary Chairman
Carlo Cantave, President
Ludovic Dauphin, Chair
Paul Corbanese,Vice Chair
Roger Etienne, Treasurer
Bernac Celestin, Officer
Julien Jumelle, Secretary
Toussaint Louverture was one of the leaders of the Haitian revolution.
Toussaint LouvertureIn 1791, he led the slave rebellion in the French colony of Saint Domingue. In 1801 he promulgated an autonomist constitution for the colony, with himself as governor for life. In 1802 he was forced to resign by forces sent by Napoleon Bonaparte to restore French authority in the colony. He was deported to the Fort de Joux in France where he died in 1803. The Haitian Revolution continued under Jean-Jacques Dessalines who declared Haiti’s independence in 1804.
Mark your calendar!
June 3rd from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Queens Museum of Art in support of the Musee d'Art Haitien. Come and enjoy films and conferences.
The Toussaint Louverture Foundation is a 501(c)3 non profit organization. Your donations are tax detuctible. Make checks payable to Toussaint Louverture Foundation, Memo Musée d’Art Haitien. Thank you.
Toussaint Louverture Foundation
Musee d'Art Haitien Support Committee of New York P.O. Box 340808Brooklyn N.Y. USA 11234
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